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Our People is Cognitively Dissonant

OUR PEOPLE IS CONFUSED or COGNITIVELY DISSONANT... "We" have become frustrated, confused, lost, and have adopted languages, methods and approaches that are not only self-destructive even while they appeal to the conscience of some Whites. But the people that control this country will demand revenge and will get it unless GOD stops them!

Some dare to say that I worship the White man's God. Some call me a COON for disagreeing with the BLM approach. According to Bob Wilkin we should not use the term LOST because "There is no guarantee that we will stay in fellowship with Christ. But if we become lost, then we, like the prodigal son, will find famine and loss, and that should certainly lead us to come to our senses, like he did, and return to the Father. It always pays to stay in fellowship with God." Thus, I will use the term CONFUSED or IGNORANT. "We" have become frustrated, confused, seemingly lost, and have adopted languages, methods and approaches that are not only self-destructive even while they appeal to the conscience of some Whites, but also the people that control this country will demand revenge and will get it unless GOD stops them!

To the IGNORANT ONES that have called me names, no one has been more militant, brilliant and vocal than I have been about past racial inequities, but when you're WRONG and SEEMINGLY LOST, you're WRONG and SEEMINGLY LOST, and it will BACKFIRE on you! The White man might have used GOD'S WORD to CONTROL YOU, but that does not mean that HE created GOD... Rather GOD created ALL HUMAN BEINGS including the ORIGINAL MAN (the Black man) that eventually evolved into all other races on Earth including the White man. But let's say that I did worship the White man's GOD:

1) My GOD has been AMAZING to me and if he is the WHITE MAN'S GOD, I want to ask him for permission to use his GOD, LOL

2) The White man has the name of GOD on his money, in his constitution, and yet many others are still worshiping IDOLS;

3) The WHITE MAN says "IN GOD WE TRUST" and many of us say "IN OUR DEAD ANCESTORS' SPIRITS we TRUST!";

4) The White Man rules over the WORLD, and many of us are BEGGING for assistance;

5) The White man takes care of his own, and many of us are KILLING our own; he has adopted YOUR GOD and induced you to chase FALSE GODS like all the MATERIAL THINGS that you're working 5 jobs to chase.

So, as EVIL as the WHITE MAN has been in the history of man-kind, it seems that he is a GENIUS who has made many concessions, including EMANCIPATION, aspiring to accept previously created racial inequities as part of his philosophy or ideals that "ALL MEN/WOMEN are Created equal and are endowed by GOD with certain INALIENABLE RIGHTS and among them are LIFE, LIBERTY, PROPERTY, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS." MANY of us have LOST ALL OUR GOOD VALUES, and adopted all the BAD ONES from everyone else (including the WHITE MAN). And now many of us BELIEVE we can take matters on our own HANDS and use VIGILANTE JUSTICE! GOOD LUCK! ONLY GOD can truly CHANGE the HEARTS OF MAN... "Who can know it?"

WE are all here because we all have a STAKE HERE! We have PERKS here... Many of us visit mostly EUROPEAN countries. Guess which countries were first on my list to visit. WEST AFRICAN COUNTRIES!

STOP worshiping FALSE GODS (i.e., your car, articles of clothing, yourself or other human beings dead or alive)... INVEST in your family GENERATIONALLY. INVEST in your CHILDREN... there is ONLY ONE GOD and the White man might have borrowed the concept, but he does not own GOD... GOD has blessed HIM b/c he is as least willing to have IDEALS. He doesn't focus on being a VICTIM... He is a CONQUEROR and not a CONQUERED. And YES, he still believes that we should have "one nation UNDER GOD" and not under BIDEN/HARRIS. We can all learn a bit of that from the WHITE MAN... After all, he practically owns nearly everything you BELIEVE YOU OWN! IN our HISTORY those of us that have conquered in the past like HAITI have been modernly reduced to MISERY... which makes us still CONQUERED. Only a belief in ONE GOD and the RULE OF LAW could potentially unite us all, but many of us don't even WANT to OBEY THE LAW any more, which is the closest to the EQUALIZER that we can get (human stereotypes understood).

In a rush,

-- Pete

Dr. Pete Lorins is the Chief Editor of

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