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A Mother's Touch

Pardon my emotionally human moment… YOU SEE…

I lost my mother too long ago yet continue to lose her every day… just like that, at that time I felt like living was pointless, the regrets, the guilt, the powerlessness and the realization that I could never hear her voice again, hug her, communicate with her like twins… I simply adored her both as a Mother and as a super wise and talented human being. And because of her I respect All Mothers and women more. Yes I am crying …. I am no Mama’s boy yet I am more than that… I always complimented her dresses that she often designed herself… , She was the epitome of CLASS AND BEAUTY. I never heard a foul, hateful or disrespectful word from her… altruistic, spiritual and visionary. As she was dying she exhorted me to go on and follow my dreams… I MISS HER SO MUCH… would have effortlessly given a limb or two or perhaps even my life to save hers. HÉLAS, al I can do is push for more. I have now lost the only 3 people that I called Mother, Father and Brother. It is a PAIN that left me angry for a long time. But for God, my bestie Arlene Russ, and Milan Baptist Church, who the eff knows what would have happened to me?

She dared me to be GREAT… she reminded me of my callings and talents and assured me that she knew I would be blessed and amazingly successful. Thank you Mother. I love you more than life itself. And thank you for allowing me to leave your side at 13 to pursue knowledge. Only a Mother would opt to suffer to save her SON! A man becomes so strong yet he still has a soft side from his Momma. Even thugs and “hard” dudes do… I know I am blessed and it is only the beginning. I only want to get to the very top and share it all with humanity like she did. YOU were so precise, so consistent, organized and discerning. Thanks for teaching me about “UNDERSTANDING’! And thanks for showing me unconditional love before you died. It is a legacy that I will pass on proudly!

Missing and Loving you adoringly!

~ Ti Son



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